Search For marvelous In Quotes 24

Scientific truth is marvelous but moral truth is divine and whoever breathes its air and walks by its light has found the lost paradise.

Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous numbers of clients. It's a marvelous opportunity. We'll keep developing products.

When I read the script I liked the script very much and I thought it was a marvelous part for her because I think it is a change of pace. I mean we know how wonderful she is in romantic comedy.

Walt had a marvelous intuition. And because he understood people very well liked them and had great respect for people there was nothing cynical about Walt.

It is impossible for any number which is a power greater than the second to be written as a sum of two like powers. I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.

Marvelous is the power which can be exercised almost unconsciously over a company or an individual or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper good digestion good intellects and good looks.

In our nature however there is a provision alike marvelous and merciful that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

The newspaper is a marvelous medium. It is extraordinarily convenient and cheap. Let's see. This one cost 75 cents. Now that's a little high. I bought it when I was downtown this morning.

It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.