Search For maintain In Quotes 134

An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war.

In order to maintain an untenable position you have to be actively ignorant. One motto on the show is 'Keep your facts I'm going with the truth.'

Everything deep is also simple and can be reproduced simply as long as its reference to the whole truth is maintained. But what matters is not what is witty but what is true.

If you travel around America you see different sections of highways donated by this or that person and that's a slow beginning of what may end up being a situation common in the Third World: some sections of highways in wealthy areas are beautifully maintained and other parts are just dirt-strewn potholes.

Tennis is all about mental toughness and you have to keep your head in the game. I make time to relax away from competition pressures travel and intense training schedules to make sure I'm looking after myself. Taking time out with family and friends helps to maintain the work-life balance everyone needs.

You have to travel globally today to know what's going on and maintain an edge.

We are the number one economy in the world and we ought to continue to pursue those kinds of policies that ensure that we maintain that position like innovation and like technology and like education and like just research and development and discovery.

Historically the director has been the key creative element in a film and we must maintain that. We must protect that in spite of the fact that there is new technology that's continually trying to erode that.

Cultural dominance of middle-class norms prevail in middle-class schools with a teacher teaching toward those standards and with students striving to maintain those standards.

The true humanist maintains a just balance between sympathy and selection.