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I chose Sony Classics not just because of their practical experience not just because of their wisdom in marketing but mainly because of their integrity.

War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.

Your success depends mainly upon what you think of yourself and whether you believe in yourself.

Traveling around it's difficult to follow much TV. Mainly I'm somebody who watches sports.

The progress of society is mainly the improvement in the condition of the workingmen of the world.

I've loved science fiction ever since I was a little kid mainly from looking at the covers of science-fiction magazines and books and I've read quite extensively as an adult.

Mainly I thought of Barney as a kid. You can always look into the faces of kids and see what they're thinking if they're happy or sad. That's what I tried to do with Barney.

All due respect and trying to be as modest as I can be I am a dancer. But I don't think I would be on 'Dancing with the Stars ' mainly because I would be too shy.

Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only. It cannot be a matter of rules. The moment it degenerates into rules it ceases to be a religion as it kills responsibility which is an essence of the true religious act.

I wonder if I ever thought of an ideal reader... I guess when I was in my 20s and in New York and maybe even in my early 30s I would write for my wife Janice... mainly for my poet friends and my wife who was very smart about poetry.

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Though 'Fire and Rain' is very personal for other people it resonates as a sort of commonly held experience... And that's what happens with me. I write things for personal reasons and then in some cases it... can be a shared experience.