Search For louis In Quotes 25

The wedding ring on my left hand was bought by my grandfather Samuel Miliband in Brussels in 1920. I never knew him as he died when I was one. But his ring was kept by my aunt until it was placed on my finger by my wife Louise 32 years later.

Some guys travel with expensive Louis Vuitton luggage but it gets all scratched up under the plane. I'd rather not spend too much money on something that's just going to get messed up.

Yeah I spent my teen years in West Virginia and when I was a kid in Louisiana. I definitely have that exposure to two different sorts of rural: the South and Appalachia.

When I started out back in Louisville there was Harry Collins. He was my first teacher. He saw that I was so obsessed with magic that he taught me the love of magic.

I love Christmas. Frosty the Snowman peace on Earth and mangers Salvation Army bell ringers and reindeer the movie 'Meet Me in St. Louis ' office parties and cookies.

So I applied to medical school and received a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University turned out to be a lucky choice. The faculty was scholarly and dedicated and accessible to students.

When I started law school I was shocked to learn that our legal system traditionally had the man as the head and master of the family. As late as the '70s and '80s when we were fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment states like Louisiana still had a head and master law.

We do not need international help to stop corruption we need strong Louisiana Leadership.

Louis Freeh said on national TV that actionable intelligence could have allowed us to stop the hijackings.

I never make a movie for awards consideration. I will use the hope of getting an Academy Award a) to honor the people who work so hard and also b) it's the greatest Good Housekeeping seal in the world. It's the greatest brand. It's as good as Louis Vuitton and Dior in the world of moviemaking. It's the Super Bowl.