Search For losers In Quotes 14

In war whichever side may call itself the victor there are no winners but all are losers.

And from a military school which taught me that to fit into society you can't just do anything you damn well please because it will suit you. And that it's much better to be with the winners than it is with the losers.

My definition of a decent society is one that first of all takes care of its losers and protects its weak.

This aesthetic quality then is what politics is all about. It's authenticity that separates winners from losers good politics from bad and he-man leader-types from consultant-directed puppet-boys.

Peace does not include a vendetta there will be neither winners nor losers.

I call crony capitalism where you take money from successful small businesses spend it in Washington on favored industries on favored individuals picking winners and losers in the economy that's not pro-growth economics. That's not entrepreneurial economics. That's not helping small businesses. That's cronyism that's corporate welfare.

I believe there's an inner power that makes winners or losers. And the winners are the ones who really listen to the truth of their hearts.

Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda that doesn't pick winners and losers but it invites competition and it levels the playing field for everyone.

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always young readers will be the real losers.