Search For logically In Quotes 29

When dealing in the technology it becomes a question of whether you overuse something. I think that's worse than having something technologically available to you and not using it.

Then I realized that there is an indigenous presence in the Solar System. It's us. So then I got to wondering what would happen if a more technologically advanced society moved next door to us the way we moved next door to the American Indians.

The modern mind tends to be more and more critical and analytical in spirit hence it must devise for itself an engine of expression which is logically defensible at every point and which tends to correspond to the rigorous spirit of modern science.

We're as clever as we think we are but we'll be a lot cleverer when we learn to use not just one brain but to pool huge numbers of brains. We're at a level technologically where we can share information and think collectively about our problems. We do it in science all the time - there's no reason why we can't do it in other endeavors.

The concept of romantic love affords a means of emotional manipulation which the male is free to exploit since love is the only circumstance in which the female is (ideologically) pardoned for sexual activity.

The relationship of black Americans to Obama is sociologically riveting.

I'm not deeply ideologically driven. I believe in good center-right politics.

Serious poetry deals with the fundamental conflicts that cannot be logically resolved: we can state the conflicts rationally but reason does not relieve us of them.

The thing that gave me the most pain in life psychologically and it gave me tremendous pain psychologically is man's disrespect for nature.

The most beautiful as well as the most ugly inclinations of man are not part of a fixed biologically given human nature but result from the social process which creates man.