Search For locks In Quotes 29

The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation.

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.

If you're trying to achieve there will be roadblocks. I've had them everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it go through it or work around it.

Nothing is more useless in developing a nation's economy than a gun and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized men.

Our strategy is one of preventing war by making it self-evident to our enemies that they're going to get their clocks cleaned if they start one.

At least the Pilgrim Fathers used to shoot Indians: the Pilgrim Children merely punch time clocks.

Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society.

Picasso is a character that has pursued me for a long time and I always rejected. He deserves a lot of respect because I am from Malaga and I was born four blocks from where he was born.

When I lived in New York not only did I have safety locks on the door but I had the music going keeping the city at a distance trying to find creative time and peace and so forth.

Redefining marriage will have huge implications for what is taught in our schools and for wider society. It will redefine society since the institution of marriage is one of the fundamental building blocks of society. The repercussions of enacting same-sex marriage into law will be immense.

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No matter how popular you are as a stand-up - you can go out and fill a 10 000-seat arena and be smart and funny - it's delicate to host an awards show and know where your place is and know that it's not about you that it's about the people who are nominated and respect that but at the same time have your moment to show them who you are.