Search For limits In Quotes 62

The whole point of being in the Army is wanting to get killed wanting to test yourself to the limits. Now you have to fly 15 000ft above the war zone to avoid getting hit. I don't think there is any point in having wars if that's how you're going to behave. It's pathetic. All this whining!

War famine poverty and oppression of the workers will continue while woman makes life cheap. They will cease only when she limits her reproductivity and human life is no longer a thing to be wasted.

It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology although one should be careful with such statements as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.

The goal for many amputees is no longer to reach a 'natural' level of ability but to exceed it using whatever cutting-edge technology is available. As this new generation sees it our tools are evolving faster than the human body so why obey the limits of mere nature?

With the world's human population now at seven billion and growing and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing we can't control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose.

The thing I loved the most - and still love the most about teaching - is that you can connect with an individual or a group and see that individual or group exceed their limits.

IT is mere coincidence that Cooper was born in the year which produced The Power of Sympathy and that when he died Uncle Tom's Cabin was passing through its serial stage and yet the limits of his life mark almost exactly the first great period of American fiction.

Success is the person who year after year reaches the highest limits in his field.

We set ourselves limits but we are all strong enough to aim higher to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it.

Our firm conviction that ours is a just cause and that we must find a peaceful way to attain our goals gave us the strength and the awareness of the limits beyond which we must not go.