Search For libraries In Quotes 16

Libraries function as crucial technology hubs not merely for free Web access but those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining.

We're competing with everything: the beach the mall bookstores. Libraries are in a transition right now caught between two forces the old ways and technology. Libraries are under a lot of pressure to provide both.

Libraries are reservoirs of strength grace and wit reminders of order calm and continuity lakes of mental energy neither warm nor cold light nor dark.

I'm not precisely saying that a really good board meeting at the MLA (Museums Libraries and Archives Coucil) makes me want to go and write poetry but there is a pleasure in doing that sort of thing well.

We need to bridge the gap between the medical libraries and the hospital rooms take the information out there already add to it focus it harness it - and bring it to the patient who was just diagnosed today.

I took anatomy classes. I went to medical libraries and talked to doctors and nutritionists. I did the whole thing before using myself as a human guinea pig.

Our libraries are valuable centers of education learning and enrichment for people of all ages. In recent years libraries have taken on an increasingly important role. today's libraries are about much more than books.

I count myself as one of millions of Americans whose life simply would not be the same without the libraries that supported my learning.

Learning sleeps and snores in libraries but wisdom is everywhere wide awake on tiptoe.

Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library the doors to learning are always open.

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I turned on VH1 this morning just to get a little warm-up before I came over here and I think it's just terrific. There's so much great stuff: diverse and wonderful music good performances great looking girls great videos the whole thing.