Search For lesbians In Quotes 11

It's very hard for a woman in comedy. It's hard for women to be bold and not care what anyone particularly men think. Maybe that is why so many women comics are lesbians.

Even if there are a lot women in films there are few who are lesbians that people know about.

Women who love women are Lesbians. Men because they can only think of women in sexual terms define Lesbian as sex between women.

Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands kill their children practice witchcraft destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Feminism is a socialist anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands kill their children practice witchcraft destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Our very strength as lesbians lies in the fact that we are outside of patriarchy our existence challenges its life.

There is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. They deserve in my judgment partnership benefits. They deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to adoption and immigration.

What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman but what I also believe is that we have an obligation to make sure that gays and lesbians have the rights of citizenship that afford them visitations to hospitals that allow them to be to transfer property between partners to make certain that they're not discriminated on the job.

I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.

It's a struggle but that's why we exist so that another generation of Lesbians of color will not have to invent themselves or their history all over again.