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People say you favor assassination what do you think war is? Except that it's assassination on a much larger scale a much more horrific scale.

Every soldier must know before he goes into battle how the little battle he is to fight fits into the larger picture and how the success of his fighting will influence the battle as a whole.

Sports teams people who follow sports teams religion churches work - any company I find that people just generally have a need to belong to something larger than themselves.

I don't think there are many larger lessons to be found in sports.

As far as a truly radical conscience you have to take it as part of a larger thing that it was sort of historical inevitability that with the coming of a leaguer society people would start to use drugs a lot more then they had before.

In the society where people are just parts in a larger machine individuals are unable to develop fully.

Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing - where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger which he knows he was meant and made to do.

People want to hear about the extremes of human nature. They want things that are larger than their own lives and more romantic and not necessarily of their own experiences.

I had found English audiences highly satisfactory. They are the best listeners in the world. Perhaps the music-lovers of some of our larger cities equal the English but I do not believe they can be surpassed in that respect.

The coal industry is an even larger part of the Australian economy than it is of the American and it has an enormous amount of political power.

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Winning in Afghanistan is having a country that is stable enough to ensure that there is no safe haven for Al Qaida or for a militant Taliban that welcomes Al Qaida. That's really the measure of success for the United States.