Search For lacked In Quotes 12

Many of the artists who have represented Negro life have seen only the comic ludicrous side of it and have lacked sympathy with and appreciation for the warm big heart that dwells within such a rough exterior.

I admired in others the strength that I lacked myself.

If someone lacked decency or respect I didn't allow that person to stay in my world.

Soon I knew the craft of experimental physics was beyond me - it was the sublime quality of patience - patience in accumulating data patience with recalcitrant equipment - which I sadly lacked.

The reason Gov. Romney passed Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 was because many Republicans viewed health care reform mandates and all as a way to inoculate against Democratic charges that Republicans didn't care about people who lacked health insurance.

What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority ' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?

I probably hold the distinction of being one movie star who by all laws of logic should never have made it. At each stage of my career I lacked the experience.

There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. Many of them are in the hands of market vendors rickshaw drivers and others who've historically lacked access to education and opportunity. Information networks have become a great leveler and we should use them together to help lift people out of poverty and give them a freedom from want.

Such decisions will be far reaching and difficult. But you never lacked courage in the past. Your courage is now needed for the future.

Washington's answer to a self-inflicted financial crisis reminded Americans why they so deeply distrust the political class. The 'fiscal cliff' process was secretive and sloppy and the nation's so-called leadership lacked the political courage to address our root problems: joblessness and debt.

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Christmas is more stressful with present buying and making sure everyone gets included but Thanksgiving is really not that. I don't ever really get stressed out about the food.