Search For knees In Quotes 23

He put a ring in the toe of a stocking. On Christmas Eve we opened our stockings and it was there at the bottom of the toe. Then he got down on his knees and he was shaking.

The violence betwen women is unbelievable. Women try to make each other crawl so that their knees are bleeding.

Should it happen tomorrow I would fall to my knees to give thanks to God for such a career.

The first thing I do when I start my day is I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks to God. Whenever I go outside of my house the first thing I do is stop at the church.

The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America.

If I stayed a football player my career would have been over 20 years ago. As it is my knees are shot. I found I got the same good feeling in acting that I had in sports but I found I could have a more profound impact on people.

Bob summed it up best when he was on his knees at the end of the night saying 'Don't trust in Guided By Voices.' You were there was the show awful or something? I know it was sloppy but they're not really that tight anyway but was it embarrassing was it sad?

Back then a half-a-century ago the situation was totally different. Economically we were practically on our knees and politically we were still excluded from the community of nations. Today in this respect we have a totally different and much more stable basis.

Religion's in the heart not in the knees.

Christmas in Bethlehem. The ancient dream: a cold clear night made brilliant by a glorious star the smell of incense shepherds and wise men falling to their knees in adoration of the sweet baby the incarnation of perfect love.

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My grandfather on my mother's side was a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology my other grandfather was a lawyer and one time Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives.