Search For jewel In Quotes 37

You don't want your jewelry to make you look fat. A lot of what's out there now does - you just wind up looking like a Christmas tree.

I love giving gifts and I love receiving them. I really like giving little kids extravagant gifts. You see their little faces light up and they get excited. If it's a really good gift I love receiving it like jewels small islands.

I'm a jewelry girl. I became with friends with designer Irene Neuwirth a few years ago. At that point I just used to wear my wedding rings. Very low key. Now if I could I'd be draped from head to toe in her jewelry all the time. Everything she makes is beautiful.

A man's got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring.

I currently use Ubuntu Linux on a standalone laptop - it has no Internet connection. I occasionally carry flash memory drives between this machine and the Macs that I use for network surfing and graphics but I trust my family jewels only to Linux.

A man's ability to haggle is never a turn-on. The only thing less romantic than how much you paid is how much you saved. The last thing we want to hear is how you talked the jeweler down on our new earrings.

My music is bejewelled it's colourful it's romantic it shines.

I had cars houses jewels furs and a husband who loved me and a career I was happy with. But I found fulfillment in my relationship with Christ.

The more tranquil a man becomes the greater is his success his influence his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

The earth has grown old with its burden of care but at Christmas it always is young the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair and its soul full of music breaks the air when the song of angels is sung.