Thanksgiving is a season that is very much in accord with the themes and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Easter is reflecting upon suffering for one thing but it also reflects upon Jesus and his non compliance in the face of great authority where he holds to his truth - so there's two stories there.
The primary source of the appeal of Christianity was Jesus - His incarnation His life His crucifixion and His resurrection.
I believe in one God the first and great cause of goodness. I also believe in Jesus Christ the rebirth of the world. I also believe in the Holy Ghost the comforter.
To a Christian Easter Sunday means everything when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The real evidence for Jesus and Christianity is in how Jesus and the Christianity based on him manifest themselves in the lives of practicing Christians.
God has ways of shaking the world when He is at work. He literally caused the ground to quake when Jesus died on the cross.
Only the most unapologetic biblical fundamentalists for instance take every biblical injunction literally. If we all took all scripture at the same level of authority then we would be more open to slavery to the subjugation of women to wider use of stoning. Jesus himself spoke out frequently against divorce in the strongest of terms.
We are all so close. We are godfather to each others' kids. I was the best man at Jesus' wedding.
I'm not pretty. The truth is I didn't think I could be a model at all. I was looking at some of the guys on the walls at Irene Marie and I thought to myself 'Jesus Christ. I can't do this. I don't look anything like these guys'.