Search For intrigue In Quotes 21

The fact that people will pay you to talk to people and travel to interesting places and write about what intrigues you I am just amazed by that.

I never really did sports growing up. Maybe that's why they intrigue me. The technology that goes into that clothing is steps ahead so it's always been something I look towards.

Society bristles with enigmas which look hard to solve. It is a perfect maze of intrigue.

Now Venus is an extremely hostile environment and as such presents a lot of challenges for a science fiction author who wants to create life there. However as I began to research it more thoroughly I found myself intrigued by the possibilities the world offers.

My favorite subject probably was math. I love math. Figures just intrigue me. I was really good at math. English probably was my worst subject. But I used to write a lot of poetry. I used to write poetry all the time.

I'm intrigued by films that have a singular vision behind them. A lot of studio movies have ten writers by the time they're done. You have a movie testing 200 times making adjustments according to various people's opinions. It's difficult to have an undistilled vision.

I always leave that for other people to decide because some of the things I consider to be disasters are some people's favorite movies. And that's what I like so much is that you never know. Something intrigues somebody and means nothing to somebody else.

Obviously in dealing with a relationship sexuality has to be involved and jealousy and emotions like that. And I don't know I've always been intrigued by those emotions.

Most people like to read about intrigue and spies. I hope to provide a metaphor for the average reader's daily life. Most of us live in a slightly conspiratorial relationship with our employer and perhaps with our marriage.

I'm so intrigued by women throughout history where the significance of what they were representing at that time is obscured by the fact a man saved them or they were prostitutes.