Search For intimidated In Quotes 15

Success makes you less intimidated by things.

Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.

You're now getting a new breed of people like Il Divo and Andrea Bocelli and I think that's why people feel less intimidated by classical music than they once did.

I've always been an animal lover. I've grown up with dogs my whole life. I think that is what helped me get the role on 'Lassie' I was comfortable around the dog where many of the kids were afraid or intimidated by Lassie.

If a guy is intimidated by a woman in leadership he has real problems with his own concepts of masculinity. That's a harsh statement but I believe it to be true.

I tried to go out for theater or theater arts but I was too scared or too intimidated. But I had a lot of friends on the cross country team that had great senses of humor.

Obviously the easiest recipes are the most successful when it comes to the home cook because they're not intimidated by them. If I'm doing 'Boy Meets Grill ' and I do something very simple like grilled hamburgers or steaks or chicken those are the most sought-after recipes.

Confronting a stadium audience you can't see the whites of their eyes. It's just an amorphous mass of noise and of course you can't see the alleged billions watching at home either so the degree to which you are intimidated is quite low.

The United States of America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins. The killers will fail and the Iraqi people will live in freedom.

We will not be intimidated or pushed off the world stage by people who do not like what we stand for and that is freedom democracy and the fight against disease poverty and terrorism.

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Yet in spite of this world-wide system of linkages there is at this very moment a general feeling that communication is breaking down everywhere on an unparalleled scale.