Search For intimate In Quotes 57

I have crushes on women all the time. I don't have intimate relationships with them but I find women beautiful.

Men aren't the way they are because they want to drive women crazy they've been trained to be that way for thousands of years. And that training makes it very difficult for men to be intimate.

I've stayed away from Twitter for a long time because I sort of didn't trust myself with such an intimate but very public way of relating to the world but I feel like I've studied it enough.

And I believe that public broadcasting has an important trust with the American people it's an intimate medium of television and that we can do reading and language development for young children without getting into human sexuality.

If you kiss on the first date and it's not right then there will be no second date. Sometimes it's better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate and the minute you kiss the floodgates open for everything else.

Discretion is nothing other than the sense of justice with respect to the sphere of the intimate contents of life.

There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.

The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.

People who are incapable of having any kind of intimate relationship have to turn to feeling this incredible hunger and void have to turn to some quantifiable external product to make them feel whole.

Even though money seems such an objective topic it can also be the most intimate and possibly harmful part of a relationship.