Search For instruments In Quotes 27

I have the instruments ideas technology computer techniques. We try to create or see something which has not been known before - just to discover something together. This is always my dream.

Instead in the absence of respect for human rights science and its offspring technology have been used in this century as brutal instruments for oppression.

In our culture we have such respect for musical instruments they are like part of God.

I record all of my music with authentic instruments in a studio before we start editing doing many many versions. The music shapes the film as we edit so it has an organic relationship to the content.

You know the media and politicians are always gonna be in a bit of tension with one another and probably most of the time that's healthy and indeed even creative. But it's where - it's really when news organisations are used as kind of instruments of politics that it gets tricky.

The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own.

If we desire to avoid insult we must be able to repel it if we desire to secure peace one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity it must be known that we are at all times ready for War.

I think the world is ready for some rock 'n' roll. Some real time guys that play their own instruments write their own songs and sing the music and have a good time doing it.

I'm not suggesting people abandon musical instruments and start playing their cars and apartments but I do think the reign of music as a commodity made only by professionals might be winding down.

The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly... music is like the ocean and the instruments are little or bigger islands very beautiful for the flowers and trees.