Search For innate In Quotes 18

I think a lot of women innately know how to play their hand. I'm not a big one for the rules.

But does that mean that war and violence are inevitable? I would argue not because we have also evolved this amazingly sophisticated intellect and we are capable of controlling our innate behavior a lot of the time.

I think women have an innate ability to be intuitive with people that they truly love but they have to trust that inner voice and I think it is there. I think we are more intuitive than men.

I realized a while back that I have an innate ability to be compassionate and I saw that the strength of compassion is something that healers have and healers use.'

Boxing for me it's the beginning of all sports. I'm willing to bet that the first sport was a man against another man in a fight so I think that's something innate in all of us.

I do get recognized but I must say Edinburgh is a fantastic city to live if you're well-known. There is an innate respect for privacy in Edinburgh people and I also think they're used to seeing me walking around so I don't think I'm a very big deal.

All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by. religion whatever else it has done has provided one of the main ways of meeting this abiding need.

There has to be innate circuitry that does the learning that creates the culture that acquires the culture and that responds to socialization.

All science requires mathematics. The knowledge of mathematical things is almost innate in us. This is the easiest of sciences a fact which is obvious in that no one's brain rejects it for laymen and people who are utterly illiterate know how to count and reckon.

Children do not give up their innate imagination curiosity dreaminess easily. You have to love them to get them to do that.