Search For injured In Quotes 12

I didn't feel any remorse or sympathy if I injured a rival. I went over the top a few times but I never broke anyone's leg.

I am so grateful to everybody that supports the Sheckler Foundation and gives us the ability to continue to help kids and injured action sports athletes.

I grew up playing sports but now I feel like I can't because if I get injured I'll impair whatever film I'm working on.

Remember beneath every cynic there lies a romantic and probably an injured one.

I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.

My main goal is to stay healthy because when you're injured you realise how lucky you are to have your health.

It sounds funny but the 2008 Olympics were something that just kind of happened and I was lucky they came at a point when I was uninjured and well prepared. As a gymnast you can't ask for much more.

Forgiveness to the injured does belong but they ne'er pardon who have done wrong.

As one who participated in all the wars of the state of Israel I saw the horror of wars. I saw the fear of wars. I saw my best friends being killed in battles. I was seriously injured twice.

I think when someone is injured in your family you want to speak to the individual and you want to hear their voice and you want to make sure they are OK.

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Now suddenly there was nothing but a world of cloud and we three were there alone in the middle of a great white plain with snowy hills and mountains staring at us and it was very still but there were whispers.