Search For initial In Quotes 27

I was so opposed to the war in Vietnam that I initially refused President Nixon's urgings for me to go there.

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.

I wasn't originally taking drama but the drama teacher asked me to audition for Bye Bye Birdie. I did and got the lead role. Initially I was kind of scared but once I did it I got bitten by the bug and loved it.

No punishment has ever possessed enough power of deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes. On the contrary whatever the punishment once a specific crime has appeared for the first time its reappearance is more likely than its initial emergence could ever have been.

But when I first got cancer after the initial shock and the fear and paranoia and crying and all that goes with cancer - that word means to most people ultimate death - I decided to see what I could do to take that negative and use it in a positive way.

I think the reaction to a World War II situation would be the same today as it was in 1942. Initially people would question but once patriotism got stirred up the whole thing would gather momentum and we'd all pull together.

Another very strong image from the first day was giving my initial press conference in the morning - going down and finding out that everything I had said the essence of what I had said was wrong.

Internet marketing entrepreneurs have truly opened my eyes to just how important a quick turnaround time can be. Often times an interview they conduct with me today is online by the next morning. The interviewee is then able to start making money less than 24 hours after the initial interview.

I should have been out there having a wild time like all the other girls my age but I wasn't. I was going home every night to what was initially a very happy marriage.

While Taliban fighters had an initial claim to protection under the conventions they lost POW status by failing to obey the standards of conduct for legal combatants: wearing uniforms a responsible command structure and obeying the laws of war.

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That is the great mistake about the affections. It is not the rise and fall of empires the birth and death of kings or the marching of armies that move them most. When they answer from their depths it is to the domestic joys and tragedies of life.