Search For impressions In Quotes 13

For me it's always about first impressions. I trust my instincts. I love to prepare if it's something that requires training. But I don't like to prepare the psychology too much. I enjoy the psychology of the character but I work better from a first impression.

The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstrations for impressions.

But inspiration? - That's when you come home from abroad and are asked: Well have you found inspiration? - and fortunately you haven't. But the impressions sink in of course and may emerge later: None of us has invented the house that was done many thousands of years ago.

In the true sense one's native land with its background of tradition early impressions reminiscences and other things dear to one is not enough to make sensitive human beings feel at home.

The soles of Neil Armstrong's boots on the moon made permanent impressions on our souls and in our national psyche. Ann and I watched those steps together on her parent's sofa. Like all Americans we went to bed that night knowing we lived in the greatest country in the history of the world. God bless Neil Armstrong.

The impressions of the spriritual experiences gave my future life its form and content.

The intense happiness of our union is derived in a high degree from the perfect freedom with which we each follow and declare our own impressions.

The strangest part about being famous is you don't get to give first impressions anymore. Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them.

Experience already reduced to a group of impressions is ringed round for each one of us by that thick wall of personality through which no real voice has ever pierced on its way to us or from us to that which we can only conjecture to be without.

There is no more lively sensation than that of pain its impressions are certain and dependable they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience.