Search For imagination In Quotes 667

What I like in this job is you can travel to many places many imaginations.

The imaginations which people have of one another are the solid facts of society.

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.

Television contracts the imagination and radio expands it.

Imagination is not something apart and hermetic not a way of leaving reality behind it is a way of engaging reality.

With the brush we merely tint while the imagination alone produces colour.

Anyone who lives within his means suffers from a lack of imagination.

A financier is a pawnbroker with imagination.

Sometimes surely truth is closer to imagination or to intelligence to love than to fact? To be accurate is not to be right.

The delicate thing about the university is that it has a mixed character that it is suspended between its position in the eternal world with all its corruption and evils and cruelties and the splendid world of our imagination.