Search For hitting In Quotes 17

There are two theories on hitting the knuckleball. Unfortunately neither of them works.

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.

I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators.

Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that though full of a thousand reasons for weariness the least thing such as playing billiards or hitting a ball is sufficient enough to amuse him.

From my music training I knew that some Spanish rhythms apart 5/4 is a time signature used only in the modern era. Holst's Mars from the Planets is 5/4. But if you speak lines of poetry in that pattern you just end up hitting the off-beats. It's only when you add a rest - a sixth beat - that it sounds as it surely should sound.

The United States dollar took another pounding on German French and British exchanges this morning hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany.

You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault not leadership.

I love sharing my knowledge of hitting with others. Now coaches and players at all levels can learn my systematic approach to hitting a baseball with more consistency mental strength and accuracy.

I'm always amazed when a pitcher becomes angry at a hitter for hitting a home run off him. When I strike out I don't get angry at the pitcher I get angry at myself. I would think that if a pitcher threw up a home run ball he should be angry at himself.

I'm substantially concerned about the policy directions of the space agency. We have a situation in the U.S. where the White House and Congress are at odds over what the future direction should be. They're sort of playing a game and NASA is the shuttlecock that they're hitting back and forth.

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Faith is not a notion but a real strong essential hunger an attracting or magnetic desire of Christ which as it proceeds from a seed of the divine nature in us so it attracts and unites with its like.