Search For harry In Quotes 24

I am a big defender of 'Harry Potter ' and I think any book that gets kids to read are books that we should cherish we should be thankful for them.

When I started out back in Louisville there was Harry Collins. He was my first teacher. He saw that I was so obsessed with magic that he taught me the love of magic.

Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant Beowulf or St. George slaying the Dragon Harry Potter triumphing over the basilisk. That is their inner grammar and the whole shape of the story leads towards it.

I understand why society especially American society is gravitating toward fairy tales given our economy. We've been exploring the world of witches and wizards for years. We've been exploring the world of vampires for years. Clearly the public - I mean I feel like all of this was ushered in by 'Harry Potter' - in my own fannish beliefs.

I will be sad. I've gotten very attached to Harry and all that goes on in his world I guess I'll just be kind of tasting every bit of it because it will be the last one.

I love Valentine's Day! I love it I love it I love it. I like having doors opened for me. My favorite romantic comedy is 'When Harry Met Sally.'

'Harry Potter' gave me back self respect. Harry gave me a job to do that I loved more than anything else.

And religion causes most of the problems war and economics of course and study your history or you're going to repeat it and if you're burning a Harry Potter book you need some serious counseling you don't get it you're missing the whole point.

Most modern science fiction went to school on 'Dune.' Even 'Harry Potter' with its 'boy protagonist who has not yet grown into his destiny' shares a common theme. When I read it for the first time I felt like I had learned another language mastered a new culture adopted a new religion.

But I was also a big mouth I started to develop a troubled relationship with Harry Shorten.