Search For goddess In Quotes 19

Men who care passionately for women attach themselves at least as much to the temple and to the accessories of the cult as to their goddess herself.

Our great symbol for the Goddess is the moon whose three aspects reflect the three stages in women's lives and whose cycles of waxing and waning coincide with women's menstrual cycles.

There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats.

I was meant to date the captain of the football team I was going to be on a romantic excursion every Saturday night I was destined to be collecting corsages from every boy in town before prom accepting such floral offerings like competing sacrifices to a Delphic goddess.

In my book I specifically discussed the structural nature of injustice and offered Nine Touchstones of Goddess ethics as an alternative to the Ten Commandments of Biblical religion.

Two thousand years ago we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power.

The simplest and most basic meaning of the symbol of the Goddess is the acknowledgment of the legitimacy of female power as a beneficent and independent power.

I am running for President of the United States to enable the Goddess of Peace to encircle within her arms all the children of this country and all the children of the world.

I am severely distracted these days. It's hard to sit in front of the computer uploading bad music for hours when you have a wonderful boyfriend who treats you like a Goddess.

To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia - to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.