Search For glimpse In Quotes 15

We were talking about the space between us all and the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion. Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away.

The glimpses of human strength and frailty that a physician sees are with me still.

Very few recognize science as the high adventure it really is the wildest of all explorations ever taken by human beings the chance to glimpse things never seen before the shrewdest maneuver for discovering how the world works.

Poetry is not only a set of words which are chosen to relate to each other it is something which goes much further than that to provide a glimpse of our vision of the world.

If I have been of service if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action if I am at peace with myself it has been a successful day.

When I was a little kid - and even still - I loved magic tricks. When I saw how movies got made - at least had a glimpse when I went on the Universal Studios tour with my grandfather I remember feeling like this was another means by which I could do magic.

The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity - love. And the story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.

The process of making natural history films is to try to prevent the animal knowing you are there so you get glimpses of a non-human world and that is a transporting thing.

If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created not just as it looked when we got through with it.

In our short walks we passed the kitchen where food was prepared for the nurses and doctors. There we got glimpses of melons and grapes and all kinds of fruits beautiful white bread and nice meats and the hungry feeling would be increased tenfold.

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Millions of young Americans have graduated from college during the Obama presidency ready to use their gifts and get moving in life. Half of them can't find the work they studied for or any work at all. So here's the question: Without a change in leadership why would the next four years be any different from the last four years?