Search For future In Quotes 1119

The current wisdom now is that if the three networks are covering the news the same way the difference is the anchor people. I think that won't be true in the future.

We grow in time to trust the future for our answers.

I mean the first 'Back to the Future' is kind of a perfect script I think in terms of handling time travel the best. It depends on your definition. To me that means it effectively uses it in the story.

Then I was lucky I met with my future husband and I started new life with my husband and I was happy again. He was a musician. I start to travel with him through Europe also and around the former Soviet Union.

Well in our industry it's that the movies cost so much money to make they have to appeal to a broad audience. And I think that's part of what will loosen up in the future as technology makes it cheaper you'll be able to make films for a more selective audience. I think people will be able to make more personal movies.

Technology is permeating every single thing we do... And to the extent that we can better expose our young people to all the different ways that technology can be used not just for video games or toys we're planning for the future.

In fact I argue that the future of advertising whatever the technology will be to associate each brand with one word. This is one word equity. It's the modern equivalent of having the best site on the high street except the location is in the mind.

Standing beneath the white light of an Apple store is like standing on a Stanley Kubrick movie set. His '2001: A Space Odyssey' predicted Jobs and a future where technology was our friend. Kubrick of course didn't like what he saw. And occasionally I have my doubts.

As a matter of fact when compression technology came along we thought the future in 1996 was about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice video and data and that is what we have today on these cell phones.

The U.S. is looking to India as more then just a marketplace for our defense products but as a technology aerospace and strategic partner for our future endeavors.

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I have two ideas for novels at the moment neither of them all that conventional but I'm not ready to choose between them yet let alone settle down to the process of writing.