Search For fulfilled In Quotes 30

I want to do more documentaries and travel to places I haven't been. That is where I think I can be fulfilled.

There is an enormous market demand for information. It just has to be fulfilled in a way that fits with the technology of our times.

Look if you ask a child 'Would you rather have a fulfilled mother or a stay-at-home Sylvia Plath ' they'll pick Sylvia Plath every time. But I think it's really important that children don't feel their parents' emotional lives depend on their success.

I feel lucky because I was a nerd which I talk about in the book but I had academic success so through that because that's what my parents put a great deal of value on I had a great childhood because I sort of fulfilled the expectations of being good at school.

Later in my life I'm going to look back and smile and be very fulfilled. I know that if I don't give it my all right now I'll regret it later. That's very important to me because I've worked all my life to have this.

If by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled.

Science has fulfilled her function when she has ascertained and enunciated truth.

It's not easy to retire at 31. In one respect I was glad I was done. But after a few years of having fun I got a little restless. When you're 33 34 and you don't have a focus you can get kind of lost. As a man you feel a little bit unfulfilled.

I got a lot of things that society had promised would make me whole and fulfilled - all the things that the culture tells you from preschool on will quiet the throbbing anxiety inside you - stature the respect of colleagues maybe even a kind of low-grade fame.

None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace.

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I know there are lots of positives in the evolution of technology but I also think it will be responsible for the end of a unique character of a specific kind of geographical culture. The world is getting so small and mass production is getting so big. Everything is in danger of becoming the same.