Search For fourth In Quotes 27

Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

With a fourth generation of nuclear power you can have a technology that will burn more than 99 percent of the energy in the fuel. It would mean that you don't need to mine uranium for the next thousand years.

In the fourth grade my history teacher gave us a project: Why was the auto industry located in Detroit Michigan? I didn't know I was going to be an economist but I knew I was going to do something that was involved in answering questions like that one because I thought that was a fascinating question.

Bad acting comes in many bags various odors. It can be performed by cardboard refugees from an Ed Wood movie reciting their dialogue off an eye chart or by hopped-up pros looking to punch a hole through the fourth wall from pure ballistic force of personality like Joe Pesci in a bad mood. I can respect bad acting that owns its own style.

Politics was my third act. But I could have a fourth. I don't know what that will be yet but there will be one.

I did five movies in Australia I did three films in Germany this is the fourth film I've done here in the UK I've done a bunch of films in Canada.

Research is four things: brains with which to think eyes with which to see machines with which to measure and fourth money.

There are four stages in a marriage. First there's the affair then the marriage then children and finally the fourth stage without which you cannot know a woman the divorce.

No Child Left Behind's fourth-grade gains aren't learning gains they're testing gains. That's why they don't last. The law is a distraction from things that really count.

You are indebted to you imagination for three-fourths of your importance.

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That a society controls to a greater or lesser extent the behavior of its members is a universal but the methods the particulars of that control vary from one culture to another.