Search For female In Quotes 91

I never expected to get the Tom Jones treatment and it amazes me that I do. Strangely it's women who throw their underwear at me when I'm performing live. My male fans tend to be quite shy. My female fans are wild. I never know what to do with all the lingerie that lands at my feet. Maybe I should open a shop.

I've been trying to find women writers for my staff for a while now and I have three women on my staff and three guys so it's pretty equal. I don't know why that is. It's been the same thing for a while. It's hard for female comedians to stand out. That's weird. That's a shame.

I do not believe in using women in combat because females are too fierce.

Very learned women are to be found in the same manner as female warriors but they are seldom or ever inventors.

In the sex war thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male vindictiveness of the female.

Women face enough pressures and challenges in a workplace that is still depressingly biased against a female's success. Add to that the fact that the very thing many women I know find most rewarding (having kids) is now frowned upon.

'Swan Lake' is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer it really requires such specific qualities of articulation agility strength and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training.

About 10 000 years ago males and females were acting equitably and were treating one another as equals and then males took over the power because they have physical power and physical strength.

It's all too easy when talking about female gymnasts to fall into the trap of infantilizing them spending more time worrying more about female vulnerability than we do celebrating female strength.

There's nothing masculine about being competitive. There's nothing masculine about trying to be the best at everything you do nor is there anything wrong with it. I don't know why a female athlete has to defend her femininity just because she chooses to play sports.

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That's how easy baseball was for me. I'm not trying to brag or anything but I had the knowledge before I became a professional baseball player to do all these things and know what each guy would hit.