Search For faithfulness In Quotes 11

Nothing is more noble nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.

Ecclesiasticism in science is only unfaithfulness to truth.

A realist in Venice would become a romantic by mere faithfulness to what he saw before him.

Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person's money as his time.

Marriage has a unique place because it speaks of an absolute faithfulness a covenant between radically different persons male and female and so it echoes the absolute covenant of God with his chosen a covenant between radically different partners.

Faith is the virtue by which clinging-to the faithfulness of God we lean upon him so that we may obtain what he gives to us.

Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God.

Faithfulness to the past can be a kind of death above ground. Writing of the past is a resurrection the past then lives in your words and you are free.

The sea - this truth must be confessed - has no generosity. No display of manly qualities - courage hardihood endurance faithfulness - has ever been known to touch its irresponsible consciousness of power.

Health is the greatest gift contentment the greatest wealth faithfulness the best relationship.