Search For extraordinarily In Quotes 17

The genre has moved into this commercial aspect of itself and ignored this extraordinarily rich literature that's filed everywhere else except under travel.

Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

But actually so many of the clerics that I've met particularly the Church of England clerics are people of such extraordinary smugness and arrogance and conceitedness who are extraordinarily presumptuous about the significance of their position in society.

I am extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end.

The poetry community here has been extraordinarily welcoming.

My friends never talk to me about my poetry because they're embarrassed that I write it or they're embarrassed by what I write about which are not such extraordinarily terrifying things but they are the state of human existence.

I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end.

Men have an extraordinarily erroneous opinion of their position in nature and the error is ineradicable.

The newspaper is a marvelous medium. It is extraordinarily convenient and cheap. Let's see. This one cost 75 cents. Now that's a little high. I bought it when I was downtown this morning.

History has shown us that on extraordinarily rare occasions it becomes necessary for the federal government to intervene on behalf of individuals whose 14th Amendment rights to legal due process and equal protection may be violated by a state.