Search For exception In Quotes 58

Whenever we have thanked these men and women for what they have done for us without exception they have expressed gratitude for having the chance to help - because they grew as they served.

My decision to register women confirms what is already obvious throughout our society-that women are now providing all types of skills in every profession. The military should be no exception.

The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions.

I think that the Cold War was an exceptional and unnecessary piece of cruelty.

As a general rule I don't plan to travel with my Oscars but we may have to make an exception.

Well first of all we now have everybody with the exception of India Pakistan and Israel and I don't think these three countries are going to join by simply providing them an incentive in terms of technology.

It is not easy to imagine how little interested a scientist usually is in the work of any other with the possible exception of the teacher who backs him or the student who honors him.

A good teacher must know the rules a good pupil the exceptions.

It's hard for children's authors to be accepted when they try to write adult books. J.K. Rowling is the exception because people are so eager to read anything by her but it took Judy Blume three or four tries before she had a success.

The President has not created any Ford constituency unique from that of any Republican President. The one exception to this is that he does show unique strength with young voters for a Republican.