Search For evolutionary In Quotes 49

I shall earnestly and persistently continue to urge all women to the practical recognition of the old Revolutionary maxim. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

America's veterans and troops serving abroad today fought hard to preserve our red white and blue from the Revolutionary War to today's Global War Against Terrorism and Congress' action today is appropriate for one of our most sacred symbols.

The United States established itself as a trustworthy new nation in its first two decades after the Revolutionary War by paying its debts even when many in the country believed it had no obligation to do so. Alexander Hamilton the founder of this newspaper insisted on it.

To tell the truth is revolutionary.

I trust that the president will try just give it one more shot some revolutionary way of not doing this of bringing all those kids back home safely.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

This would only come if you have a revolutionary change in technology like the jet brought about.

Aereo is the first potentially transformative technology that has the chance to give people access to broadcast television delivered over the Internet to any device large or small they desire. No wires no new boxes or remotes portable everywhere there's an Internet connection in the world - truly a revolutionary product.

The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven which was the main teaching of Jesus is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.

He who negates present society and seeks social conditions based on the sharing of property is a revolutionary whether he calls himself an anarchist or a communist.

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Just the actual physical ability to hold four instruments simultaneously and do some of the things that Vivien was able to do is mind blowing to any surgeon. He never went to medical school and he became one of the great teachers of medicine himself people are just amazed.