Search For encouragement In Quotes 25

Encouragement from my high school teacher Patty Hart said 'you need to focus and theater might be your route out of here.' I created the program went to college and graduate school and now here I am.

I never expected any sort of success with 'Mockingbird'... I sort of hoped someone would like it enough to give me encouragement.

Tonight I should like to thank all those who have shared my work and to acknowledge the debt that I owe to my wife whose encouragement to put research before all other things has been a great strength to me.

We get strength and encouragement from watching children.

I had a lot of encouragement and tolerance from my parents but I also have many friends who didn't get that from their parents and in a way they have more strength from spending years where nobody believed in them.

In the past human society provided encouragement and opportunity for people to extend support to each other especially in highly stressful situations.

The essential support and encouragement comes from within arising out of the mad notion that your society needs to know what only you can tell it.

Young people ask me if this country is serious about science. They aren't thinking about the passport that they will hold but the country that they must rely on for support and encouragement.

For whatever reason I didn't succumb to the stereotype that science wasn't for girls. I got encouragement from my parents. I never ran into a teacher or a counselor who told me that science was for boys. A lot of my friends did.

The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner the creator of the universe loves you sent His Son to die for your sins that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.