Search For employed In Quotes 41

There is a vast world of work out there in this country where at least 111 million people are employed in this country alone - many of whom are bored out of their minds. All day long.

Wisdom alone is true ambition's aim wisdom the source of virtue and of fame obtained with labour for mankind employed and then when most you share it best enjoyed.

The rule for effective governance is simple. It is one Ronald Reagan knew by heart. And one that he successfully employed with Social Security and the Cold War. When there is a problem you fix it. That is the job you have been sent to do and you cannot wait for someone else to do it for you.

The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem it is generally employed only by small children and large nations.

I'm an unemployed teacher right now and I'm looking for a place to teach.

No power of government ought to be employed in the endeavor to establish any system or article of belief on the subject of religion.

Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit.

In my right-wing politics of the time I held that unemployment was usually the fault of the unemployed.

Hope is the motivation that empowers the unemployed enabling them to get out of bed every single morning with unbounded enthusiasm as they look for work.

Why are people unemployed? Because there is no work. Why is there no work? Because people are not buying products and services. Why are people not buying products and services? Because they have no money. Why do people have no money? Because they are unemployed.

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Thus the focus on this main political goal must become more visible in EU politics and to achieve this we need a political impulse. It must be clear what the priorities on the agenda are.