Search For emerge In Quotes 78

Man unlike anything organic or inorganic in the universe grows beyond his work walks up the stairs of his concepts emerges ahead of his accomplishments.

Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.

There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.

Who knows what technology will emerge in the next five years let alone 20. Yet the education we provide our children now is supposed to last for decades. We cannot train them for jobs that do not even exist yet but we can provide them with the minds and tools they'll need to adapt to our ever-changing set of circumstances.

That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

My greatest concern is that the emergence of this technology without the appropriate public attention and international controls could lead to an unstable arms race.

But some great records are are being made with today's technology and there are still great artists among us. Likewise there are artists today who are so reliant on modern technology they wouldn't have emerged when recording was more organic.

From this process has emerged a parallel process of translating traditional working and living values into a new political and economic power - a power increasingly based upon the strength of money and those material things money can purchase.

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls the most massive characters are seared with scars.

The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance.

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Anyone that has a job that takes them away from home I think can understand the difficulties in maintaining consistency not only with your family and those you love but with your friends.