Search For embarrassing In Quotes 24

I've worked for 55 years. I'm going to take a little time off to tell you the truth. It's just that now in the last couple of weeks Gelman is pouring it on. 'Farewell to Regis!' It's getting embarrassing.

To an adolescent there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent.

I did a shoot for 'Sports Illustrated ' and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of 'Playboy' was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing.

Bob summed it up best when he was on his knees at the end of the night saying 'Don't trust in Guided By Voices.' You were there was the show awful or something? I know it was sloppy but they're not really that tight anyway but was it embarrassing was it sad?

What's really sad is that a lot of very talented people are being forced to do things that are very embarrassing and I don't intend to be one of them.

Women often postpone their lives thinking that if they're not with a partner then it doesn't really count. They're still searching for their prince in a way. And as much as we don't discuss that because it's too embarrassing and too sad I think it really does exist.

Ooh it's too embarrassing to share my innermost romantic secrets - although I have written Danielle the odd poem. If anything they are more comedic than romantic. They used to be well-received but that was before she started studying Shakespeare at drama college. Now I feel so inept.

It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'try to be a little kinder.'

My musical knowledge is so bad it's embarrassing. When composers discuss music with someone as primitive as myself they have to talk about it in terms of senses and emotion rather than keys and tempo.

You can get through very serious and sometimes horrible and sometimes embarrassing and very awkward situations with humor. It gives us a way out.

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I think the crux of the matter was that if we were going to become partners in for example the International Space Station we had to gain the respect of a country like the United States and particularly its space organization NASA.