Search For efficient In Quotes 56

War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong and multiplies instead of indemnifying losses.

Each and every one of the security measures we implement serves an important goal: providing safe and efficient air travel for the millions of people who rely on our aviation system every day.

Everyone has a breaking point turning point stress point the game is permeated with it. The fans don't see it because we make it look so efficient. But internally for a guy to be successful you have to be like a clock spring wound but not loose at the same time.

New technology is useful but it's inefficient and ugly it knows it'll be obsolete by lunchtime tomorrow so it has no incentive to be anything else.

Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.

We had to address information technology in the ways we had not before and give the agents the tools that they need to do their job more efficiently and more expeditiously.

I want to push technology boundaries to be more efficient.

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.

I could undertake to be an efficient pupil if it were possible to find an efficient teacher.

I would rather be kept alive in the efficient if cold altruism of a large hospital than expire in a gush of warm sympathy in a small one.

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The leadership lost its nerve. Instead of taking the lead in the reform movement... they pulled the plug on it. They tried and are still trying to return the church to the dry ice of the previous century and a half.