Search For effects In Quotes 60

Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.

I found it to be more challenging to be in a huge effects movie because a lot of the things aren't there.You have to trust the director and react to nothing.

Many people recognize that technology often comes with unintended and undesirable side effects.

Our technological powers increase but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.

I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.

This means that to entrust to science - or to deliberate control according to scientific principles - more than scientific method can achieve may have deplorable effects.

I've just finished my next collection Possible Side Effects and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father.

It is always a disappointment to turn from forthright consideration of some subject - whether from the Left or the Right a poet or a plumber - to the Beltway version in which the only aspects of the issue that matter are the effects it will have on the fortunes of the two parties and the various men in power.

The only positive finding which could be drawn from the first series was the conclusion that the relationships obviously had a more complicated lay-out than had been thought for the effects were so varied that no obedience to any law could be discovered.

The news is what it is. It's going to be good it's going to be positive it's going to be negative. It's going to have all sorts of effects on candidates always.