Search For economical In Quotes 23

War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures.

The more you travel the better you get at it. It sounds silly but with experience you learn how to pack the right way. I remember one of my first trips abroad travelling around Europe by rail fresh out of high school. I brought all these books with me and a paint set. I really had too much stuff so I've learnt to be more economical.

I knew that I could vote and that that wasn't a privilege it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot killed or jailed beaten or economically deprived.

Middle age is when a guy keeps turning off lights for economical rather than romantic reasons.

Back then a half-a-century ago the situation was totally different. Economically we were practically on our knees and politically we were still excluded from the community of nations. Today in this respect we have a totally different and much more stable basis.

Royalties are not how most writers or musicians make their living. Musicians by and large make a living with a relationship with an audience that is economically harnessed through performance and ticket sales.

Come forward as servants of Islam organise the people economically socially educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.

The most positive step is to try to expand the employment base by making it if not economically friendly at least not economically disastrous for studios to take on deficits.

I can inspire people on how to use money how to get economically powerful.

Today we see a human population of over 6 billion people many of whom have serious medical conditions which either can't be treated or cannot be treated economically.