Search For dropped In Quotes 27

Well the album 'Intuition' is out and just went platinum officially. So I think to have the music doing what it's doing right now man it's the ultimate. Nobody is really selling records out there but we are at a million records and we dropped it at Christmas so we are just trying to get that thing to like two million you know.

After the atomic bombs were dropped the war ended and we went into Tokyo Bay with the rest of the fleet the Missouri and the rest of them while they signed the terms of surrender that ended the war.

Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I dropped out of high school when I was 16 after I had a huge argument with my English teacher over the meaning of the word 'existentialism.'

I love music and musicians. And seeing great artists dropped from labels was really frustrating and sad to me.

I dropped out of NYU moved out of my parent's house got my own place and survived on my own. I made music and worked my way from the bottom up.

I actually have a thing about proper nouns. They clang on my ear in a weird way when I hear them dropped into movies.

We have this morning dropped anchor just off Williamstown.

We had news this morning of another successful atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki. These two heavy blows have fallen in quick succession upon the Japanese and there will be quite a little space before we intend to drop another.

I decided to pursue music so I dropped out of school and I told my parents I didn't want any money from them. I got three jobs and I just hit the ground running.