Search For driven In Quotes 69

There's an adage that is an apt description of the new dynamic at work between brands and consumers connected through social media: People support what they help to build. But now that many brands are launching community-driven cause marketing campaigns the challenge becomes what to do next?

Women speak because they wish to speak whereas a man speaks only when driven to speak by something outside himself like for instance he can't find any clean socks.

How I work is I work from of very character-driven place. And I trust the writers.

Technology has made it much easier to make and manipulate music. Studio-driven machine-driven music does not always transcend into being a good live act. Many current acts are great live but many cannot cut it live. The music is not organic.

The way the world is going it's technology driven. And it isn't just driven by the old super powers it's driven by the far east and new emerging economies.

If you ask an economist what's driven economic growth it's been major advances in things that mattered - the mechanization of farming mass manufacturing things like that. The problem is our society is not organized around doing that.

Religion is inwardly focused and driven only to sustain itself.

I did an album a long time ago called 'Replicas ' which was entirely science-fiction driven or science-fantasy. Since then it's been a song here a song there. It's not really a constant theme. I've written far more about my problems with religion with God and all that.

Such are the heights of wickedness to which men are driven by religion.

And one thing that I always believed and that I knew for certain was that I could never have sustained a personal relationship while I worked this hard or while I was that driven this intensely by the story.