Search For double In Quotes 58

I don't know of too many double Christmas albums so it is something that's new and hopefully will be fun and there's plenty of stuff out there to cut.

Because I have work to care about it is possible that I may be less difficult to get along with than other women when the double chins start to form.

All War Departments are now Defense Departments. This is all part of the doubletalk of our time. The aggressor is always on the other side.

If you suppress grief too much it can well redouble.

After I won the Oscar my salary doubled my friends tripled my children became more popular at school my butcher made a pass at me and my maid hit me up for a raise.

And I like the look on people's faces when I say I'm doing this movie called Pride and Prejudice and they kind of smile and then I say I'm in a movie called Doom and they kind of do a double take and try and put the two things together. And they never quite manage to.

Who made these laws? That's what I want to know. So that's why I wear two crosses now. I call it double cross. I believe in God-not religion.

When you're in a relationship with somebody who is also a public personality then it doubles the attention from the media.

When a mother quarrels with a daughter she has a double dose of unhappiness hers from the conflict and empathy with her daughter's from the conflict with her. Throughout her life a mother retains this special need to maintain a good relationship with her daughter.

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.