Search For documents In Quotes 11

However we still have the problem of free travel and movement since the Travel Documents issued by UNMIK as the substitute to passports are not fully recognized yet by all countries.

The Cox Report documents a systematic well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.

I think every religious person should have a deep sense of respect for other people's religious documents and religious symbols just as we were deeply opposed to the Taliban destroying the two historic buddhas which they blew up. So I think we ought to all oppose burning the Koran.

We also have a program in place for low income people. A family of four making $26 000 a year can receive medical coverage irrespective of citizenship or what documents.

I think that the proposed constitution is one of the European legal documents with the strongest social dimension I have seen since I began following European issues.

One of the consequences of the Iranian revolution has been an explosion of history. A country once known only from British consular reports and intrepid travelogues is now awash with historical documents letters diaries grainy video weblogs and secret police files of questionable authenticity.

There's never been a nation like the United States ever. It begins with the principles of our founding documents principles that recognize that our rights come from God not from our government.

I think its rather peculiar. It's not in keeping with our founding documents our founding vision. But I'd guess you'd have to ask the Obama administration why they purged all this language from their platform. There sure is a lot of mention of government so I guess I would put the onus on them to answer why they did all these purges of God.

The word 'equality' shows up too much in our founding documents for anyone to pretend it's not the American way.

My strengths as a businessman lie in the design and sale of women's shoes and I have never been comfortable with complicated or technical legal or business documents.