Search For distort In Quotes 26

It's essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life's pain. Lying distorts reality. All forms of distorted thinking must be corrected.

There is a tragic clash between Truth and the world. Pure undistorted truth burns up the world.

I've been thinking about the distorted view of science that prevails in our culture. I've been wondering about this because our civilization is completely dependent on science and high technology yet most of us are alienated from science.

Science is global. Einstein's equation E=mc2 has to reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity we should not distort it. Science does not differentiate between multiple races.

I first came to think about media and politics in the late 1960s having observed some distortions up close but since then I wouldn't say that my personal experience has remained an important motive for my writing about media.

The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist terrorism by Bin Ladin and others who draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance within a minority strain of Islam that does not distinguish politics from religion and distorts both.

One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes or a lifetime.

Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.

Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual. I did not deliberately abandon my fans nor did I deliberately abandon any responsibilities.

President Obama has outsourced a major portion of the U.S. space program to the Russians. That's national policy. Taxpayer money. So let's stop playing games with this outsourcing distortion and talk about the fact that when we need is a president that knows how to manage big enterprise and create jobs.