Search For distinguished In Quotes 12

However I must not indulge in homespun wisdom here before so distinguished an assembly especially as I am to be followed by a representative of science.

I want to be distinguished from the rest to tell the truth a friend to all mankind is not a friend for me.

These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether like an army or an orchestra they function as a single body or whether they are united merely to defend their common interests and otherwise function as separate individuals.

If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right but if he says that it is impossible he is very probably wrong.

Conservative n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.

Perhaps as good a classification as any of the main types is that of the three lusts distinguished by traditional Christianity - the lust of knowledge the lust of sensation and the lust of power.

Reputation is favorable notoriety as distinguished from fame which is permanent approval of great deeds and noble thoughts by the best intelligence of mankind.

What is the thread of western civilization that distinguished its course in history? It has to do with the preoccupation of western man with his outward command and his sense of superiority.

Moderation has been called a virtue to limit the ambition of great men and to console undistinguished people for their want of fortune and their lack of merit.

Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success.

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Truth lives in fact for the most part on a credit system. Our thoughts and beliefs pass so long as nothing challenges them just as bank-notes pass so long as nobody refuses them.