Search For disposition In Quotes 21

My disposition as a human being is kind of a go-along-to-get-along person. I tend to trust authority.

You must in all Airs follow the strength spirit and disposition of the horse and do nothing against nature for art is but to set nature in order and nothing else.

But the power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous.

Will power is only the tensile strength of one's own disposition. One cannot increase it by a single ounce.

As a person who is not confrontational by disposition I tend to see that the quality of being confrontational is a positive attribute.

For peace is not mere absence of war but is a virtue that springs from a state of mind a disposition for benevolence confidence justice.

Peace is not an absence of war it is a virtue a state of mind a disposition for benevolence confidence justice.

Nothing in human nature is so God-like as the disposition to do good to our fellow-creatures.

By nature's kindly disposition most questions which it is beyond a man's power to answer do not occur to him at all.

A rude nature is worse than a brute nature by so much more as man is better than a beast: and those that are of civil natures and genteel dispositions are as much nearer to celestial creatures as those that are rude and cruel are to devils.

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